6 hrs agoLiked by Richard Y Chappell

It's also worth considering the benefits to human health that come about from improving animal welfare. To me it seems like a win-win

- Less antibiotic resistance

- Lower the risk of a pandemic

- Decreasing meat consumption probably lowers the risk of heart disease and cancer

- Beneficial effects on the environment

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Both pale relative to investment in understanding personality disorders at the level of the individual and society.

If we were to eliminate trauma and narcissism, much of the rest would fall into place. We have exploitation, despoiling, etc. because of narcissism. Because a small percentage of humans have insatiable appetites (metaphorically and actually), we cannot stop destroying.

Imagine a world where Trump, Lawrence Summers, Clinton, Putin and Netanyahu could not exist, because we had understood and prevented their underlying disorders. Imagine no more Alexander’s and Caesars, Napoleons and Musks. And especially no Thiel.

If we cured unrestricted appetite, we could actually balance the world.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Moral enhancement sounds great until you think about the non-ideal theory implications. (Who controls it and how would they exercise this power? Would the next MAGA presidency "cure" the world of woke personality disorder, i.e. leftism? Impose pliancy and suppress independent thought/rebelliousness in the name of fighting "treason"?) Seems very dangerous!

But I'd love for a morally perfect being to exercise this power, for sure. Or if combined with strong liberal norms / parental choice, I expect that it could be good:


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That is definitely true. If we cured narcissism, a small cabal of narcissists would use it to eliminate the competition.

But the reality is infinite spending by wealthy people on cows won’t solve anything. The systems we are talking about are far too complex. We spent gargantuan amounts on green energy and we are drilling more than ever.

If you don’t deal with appetite you are just rearranging deck chairs.

I am not talking about controlling for belief system, just for narcissism (ok, and socio/psychopathy). It is the uncontrolled appetite and the inability to conceive of the existence or value of anything outside oneself that is the problem. Stalin and Lenin were clearly in this category, so it is not left/right, though it may have its roots in left/right brain.

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