I tend to agree. But my point that how often you ought to be swayed may depend on if you adopt radical hedonistic utilitarian values such as extreme concern for animals or the exchangeability of current people with "merely possible" people.
I tend to agree. But my point that how often you ought to be swayed may depend on if you adopt radical hedonistic utilitarian values such as extreme concern for animals or the exchangeability of current people with "merely possible" people.
It might -- I don't find it immediately obvious either way. I'd mostly just clarify that it doesn't follow directly from the higher stakes, but more indirectly (if at all) based on whether those values make one more likely to be in a strangely "shaped" situation (reshaping the potential upsides and downsides of norm-breaking, not just uniformly raising the stakes across the whole distribution).
I tend to agree. But my point that how often you ought to be swayed may depend on if you adopt radical hedonistic utilitarian values such as extreme concern for animals or the exchangeability of current people with "merely possible" people.
It might -- I don't find it immediately obvious either way. I'd mostly just clarify that it doesn't follow directly from the higher stakes, but more indirectly (if at all) based on whether those values make one more likely to be in a strangely "shaped" situation (reshaping the potential upsides and downsides of norm-breaking, not just uniformly raising the stakes across the whole distribution).