If people are interested see also my response to Richard on lopsided lives https://benthams.substack.com/p/lopsided-lives-a-deep-dive?utm_source=publication-search and later my response to my response to Richard, where I conclude that a serious challenge remains but there are ways out if one is willing to bear major costs https://benthams.substack.com/p/against-my-case-for-hedonism-about?utm_source=publication-search

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Thanks for the links. I now have about 20 papers and replies to read :)

QQ: do you have any thing on Bernard William's alienation objection to utilitarianism? I really thought Peter Railton's response was good (and not so good in places) and that sort of question intrigued me. It also shows the last time I read the particular debate. I decided to abort my PhD given the job prospects,

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I've tended to engage more with Stocker's formulation of the alienation objection, as I find him much clearer than Williams. But here's something, at any rate (relevant to Williams' "one thought too many" worry):


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